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The mystery of giving and receiving teaches that giving initiates a spiritual cycle where God promises to pour out blessings in return according to his word. While this principle may seem counterintuitive, the Bible provides many examples showing its validity. The sermon aims to help believers understand and apply this little-known yet powerful teaching from the giving and receiving Bible.

Through examining examples like the Shunammite woman and Joseph in prison, the pastor demonstrates that those who lived according to this mystery saw extraordinary breakthroughs, favor, and abundance come into their lives. Their willingness to give selflessly, without expecting anything in return, opened the door for God to lavishly bless them in remarkable ways.

The mystery of giving and receiving can be unlocked through giving cheerfully and discreetly, without attachments or ulterior motives. When believers embrace this counter-cultural approach and make room for God to bless accordingly, they will begin to see his promises of “good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over” manifest in their lives.

No longer will they be constrained by what their own efforts can produce. By partnering with God through giving, an unlimited flood of blessings will overtake them.

“The Lord gave the word: great was the
company of those that published it.”

~ Psalm 68:11

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