2023 August Retreat
Kindly contact us as soon as possible to book a place if you would like to join us.
As David reflects on all of the battles, challenges and trials that he encountered in life, he could not but acknowledge the true source of his triumphant victories. In Psalm 124, David reveals to the believers that the secret behind his victories has always been because of the intervention of the God of Israel.
This Psalm is one of the most timely and powerful reminders to the Church that the reason for our testimonies, breakthroughs, victories, deliverances promotions, healings, restorations and incredible turnarounds is because of the Almighty One who steps into our situation at the time of overwhelming crisis.
The likes of Moses, Ruth, Daniel, Abraham, Jehoshaphat, Job, Joseph, David, the Shunammite woman, Mordecai, Esther, Isaac and Hezekiah, confirm that difficult circumstances are always defined by the Lord’s intervention.
The 2023 Retreat is anchored on this supernatural truth and delegates will have an opportunity to explore, with brethren of like precious faith, how the power of this biblical truth can be applied / experienced in one’s life on a daily basis.
For details and more information about the conference, please call 020 8798 0961 / 07958 612554. You can also contact by email: [email protected].